Personal information Policy

Underpin Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company") establishes and discloses guidelines for processing personal information as follows to protect members' personal information and to handle related grievances quickly and smoothly.

1. Purpose of collecting personal information

The company collects personal information from its members for the following purposes:

Purpose of use

2. Personal information items to be collected, methods of collection, period of use

① The company collects, uses, and holds personal information from its members as follows:

Collection method Collection items
Acquire Google account information when signing up for a member User email, user name, profile picture
Automated collection in the course of service use User ip region, country, user activity status (online, offline, watching), video information being watched, list of chat rooms participated, wallet password, viewing history, search history, token for Firebase cloud messaging (used for alarm function)
Acquire input YouTube account information when signing up for a member Collect during customer center usage Channel name, subscriber count, video count, view count, video list

② Notwithstanding the period of use and retention described in paragraphs 1 through 2, the company may use and hold it until the termination of the relevant reason if it falls under the following grounds:

Matters applicable Period
Where an investigation, check into, etc due to a violation of the relevant statutes is in progress; Until the conclusion of the relevant investigation and check into
Where the relationship between bonds and debts arising from the use of services remains; 5 years
Records on the handling of consumer complaints or disputes under the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc 3 years
Records on the collection, processing, use, etc. of credit information under the Act on the Utilization and Protection 3 years
Records on the App and Home Page Visits 3 months
Where it is necessary to respond to withdrawn customers and customers upon withdrawal of members; 1 year
If you don't want "Company" to access the API, you can unsubscribe from the link below.(

3. Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

① The company processes members' personal information only within the scope specified in Article 1, and provides personal information to third parties only if there are special provisions in the law and consent of the members.

② The company provides personal information to third parties as follows.

A person who receives an offer Those who share various type chatting, those who do commerce with each other
Purpose of use by the recipient Those who share various type chatting, those who do commerce with each other
Purpose of use by the recipient The purpose of various type chatting and the purpose of using mutual commerce
Items in personal information provided Your activity status, video information you are watching, a list of chat rooms you participated in, and viewing records
Period of use and retention of the recipient 1 year

4. Members' rights and obligations and methods of exercise

① Members may exercise the following rights related to personal information protection against the company at any time:

② A member may request the company to correct or delete personal information in relation to errors and problems.

③ Members may exercise their rights under paragraph ① in writing, by phone, e-mail, etc.

④ If a member requests correction or deletion of personal information errors, etc., the company shall not use or provide the personal information until the correction or deletion is completed.

⑤ The exercise of rights under paragraph ① may be conducted through an agent, such as a legal representative of a member or a person entrusted. However, the delegated person must submit a power of attorney to the company.

5. Destruction of Personal Information

① When personal information becomes unnecessary, such as the expiration of the personal information retention period and the achievement of the purpose of processing, the company shall destroy the personal information without delay.

② If the personal information retention period agreed by the member has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved, the personal information shall be transferred to a separate database (DB) or stored in a different storage place.

③ The procedures and methods of destroying personal information are as follows.

6. Measures to secure the safety of personal information

The company is taking the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information.

Matters concerning the installation, operation, and rejection of an automatic personal information collection device

① The company uses cookies that store usage information and retrieve it from time to time to provide individual customized services to users.

② Cookies are a small amount of information sent by the server (https) used to run the website to the user's computer browser and are sometimes stored on the hard disk inside the user's PC computer.

Personal Information Protection Manager

① The company uses cookies that store usage information and retrieve it from time to time to provide individual customized services to users.

Name Kim Tae-joon
Position Representative Director
Phone 070-7537-2017

② Members can contact the personal information protection manager for all personal information protection inquiries, complaints, and damage relief that have occurred while using the company's service (or business).

Supplementary Provisions

This personal information processing policy will be applied from 23th September, 2022